Welcome to the Force Dimension Python Bindings Documentation!

The Force Dimension Python Bindings allow users to interact with the Force Dimension SDK’s C/C++ API in Python.

import sys
from forcedimension_core import dhd

b = 5  # damping coefficient in [N][s]/[m]
k = 150  # spring constant in [N]/[m]

# Storage buffers
pos = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
v = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
f = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]

# Try to open the first available device
if (ID := dhd.open()) == -1:
  print(f"Error: {dhd.errorGetLastStr()}")

if (name := dhd.getSystemName()) is not None:
  print(isinstance(name, str))  # prints "True"

# Run until button 0 is pressed (typically the center or only button)
# or q is pressed on the keyboard
  while not (
    dhd.getButton(index=0) or
    (dhd.os_independent.kbHit() and dhd.os_independent.kbGet() == 'q')
    # Try to get the position
    if (dhd.getPosition(out=pos) == -1):
      raise dhd.errno_to_exception(dhd.errorGetLast())(
        op=dhd.getPosition, ID=ID

    # Try to get the velocity
    if (dhd.getLinearVelocity(out=v) == -1):
      raise dhd.errno_to_exception(dhd.errorGetLast())(
        op=dhd.getLinearVelocity, ID=ID

    # Set the dynamics to be a spring-mass damper
    f[0] = -k * pos[0] - b * v[0]
    f[1] = -k * pos[1] - b * v[1]
    f[2] = -k * pos[2] - b * v[2]

    # Try to set the force
    if (dhd.setForce(f) == -1):
      raise dhd.errno_to_exception(dhd.errorGetLast())(
        op=dhd.setForce, ID=ID
except Exception as ex:
  # On error, close the device and gracefully exit

Indices and tables